Tuesday 1 May 2018

Holmebrook Valley 15th to 22nd of April

During the last two weeks I have managed to get to Holmebrook Valley a couple of times.
On the 15th of April it was very dull, but I still managed to get my first site 2018 Willow Warbler and Swallows. The Willow Warbler was calling in the bushes on the east side of the lake whilst the 2 Swallows flew through. Unfortunately the Willow Warbler wasn't showing and was calling from deep inside the bushes. I also found the two Reed Buntings again and this time they seemed to be looking for a nesting site.

Male Reed Bunting
I checked the Mute Swans nest and found the male bird sat on 4 eggs.

Last week the weather turned nice with the hottest day, the Thursday, being 24°. Due to this and it now being light after school, I managed to get down 3 times during the week. On the 18th I found my first Sand Martin for the site with a flock of about 15 House Martins. The Great Crested Grebes were building a nest and there were 2 Willow Warblers singing but still not showing.

Female Mute Swan sat tightly on nest
On the 19th there was nothing much different from the 18th apart from two Canada Geese. Again I checked the Mute Swan nest and this time when the male stood up there were 6 eggs in the nest. I presume that they will hatch in early June.

Mute Swan eggs
On the 20th I managed to see my first Willow Warbler of the year with one bird showing very well in a tree by the lake.

On the 22nd I had my first Lesser Whitethroat of the year calling in the bushes on the east side of the lake. Unfortunately the bird was hidden deep in bushes and was not seen. Whilst looking for the Whitethroat, I also managed to get my first site butterflies for the year with 2 Commas and 1 Large White Flying round.
Other birds seen on the 22nd included 5 Greylag Geese (On lake), 15+ House Martins, 3 Swallows and 7+ Chiffchaffs which were calling round site.

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