Holmebrook Valley bird list

These are all the bird types that I have seen at Holmebrook Valley from 2013 to now. If it wasn't me who saw the bird then I have put after the bird who has.

If you want to tell me about sightings from Holmebrook or birds that I have missed of the list, then please comment below.

1 Little Grebe (13/02/16 and 10/12/17)
2 Great Crested Grebe
3 Cormarant
4 Grey Heron
5 Whooper Swan (12/03/17 and 08/10/17)
6 Mute Swan
7 Greylag Goose
8 Canada Goose
9 Egyptian Goose (24/07/17)
10 Mallard
11 Gadwall (14/02/17 and 13/01/18)
12 Wigeon (Seen by Peter Stoppard 12/03/17)
13 Pochard (06/11/18)
14 Teal (28/10/17 and 31/10/18)
15 Tufted Duck
16 Goosander
17 Mandain Duck
18 Red Kite (22/07/17)
19 Buzzard
20 Sparrowhawk
21 Kestral
22 Hobby (04/05/18)
23 Phesant
24 Water Rail (Winter visitor)
25 Moorhen
26 Coot
27 Common Sandpiper (Seen by Peter Stoppard)
28 Snipe (10 - 12/12/18)
29 Black Headed Gull
30 Herring Gull
31 Lesser Blacked Backed Gull
32 Common Gull
33 Woodpigeon
34 Collard Dove
35 Tawny Owl
36 Swift
37 Kingfisher
38 Green Woodpecker (23/03/13 and 28/09/13)
39 Greater Spotted Woodpecker
40 Skylark
41 House Martin
42 Sand Martin (18/04/18)
43 Swallow
44 Meadow Pipit
45 Pied Wagtail 
46 Grey Wagtail
47 Wren
48 Dunnock
49 Song Thrush
50 Redwing
51 Mistle Thrush
52 Fieldfare
53 Blackbird
54 Blackcap
55 Lesser Whitethroat (Late April 2017/18)
56 Whitethroat
57 Willow Warbler
58 Chiffchaff
59 Goldcrest
60 Great Tit
61 Coal Tit 
62 Blue Tit
63 Long tailed Tit
64 Treecreeper
65 Nuthatch
66 Magpie
67 Jay
68 Jackdaw
69 Carrion Crow
70 Rook
71 Starling
72 House Sparrow
73 Chaffinch
74 Linnet
75 Lesser Redpoll
76 Goldfinch
77 Greenfinch
78 Bullfinch
79 Siskin
80 Yellowhammer
81 Reed Bunting (Late April 2017/18)

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