Sunday 28 January 2018

Holmebrook Valley Park 28/01/18

I went down to Holmebrook Valley from 09:40 to 10:20 this morning just to check if there was anything new on the lake. It was sunny, which was good for photos but very windy which made it quiet cold. On the lake there was the female Goosander still from yesterday but it flew off at 09:54. All 3 of the Tufted Ducks were still on the lake and there were still good numbers of Coots, which were fighting each other. Apart from that it was just a normal day with the long stay Greylag Goose, about 40 Black-Headed Gulls and a Lesser Black Backed Gull. One other bird that I heard today was the Kingfisher. It was calling a few times at the north end of the lake when I first got there but I couldn't locate it. Its nice to get the Kingfisher back as I haven't had it there for a few weeks.

 Here's a couple of photos of the Mute Swans from this morning. The low sun made some good light for photos.

                                              The female Goosander before it flew off
One last bird that I saw today was a Buzzard which glided over whilst being mobbed by a group of about 20 Rooks and Jackdaws.

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